Your Recovery

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Last month I talked about the process of disease and the fact that your body creates a variety of symptoms once it can no longer handle what is going on inside you – your very own personal alarm service! I also mentioned that the medical-pharmaceutical cartel profits from your disease and your symptoms. Think about it: It is very profitable for you to be sick and there is no profit in you being healthy. Sobering thought isn’t it? So how do we handle this?

My approach, as your chiropractor, is very different:  Instead of putting out your body’s alarm system – your symptoms - would it not make more sense to see if we can correct the interference that caused your nervous system not to function normally in the first place? Would you agree this approach makes more sense?

I mentioned earlier that we call this interference a “Vertebral Subluxation” — a “misalignment” of one of the vertebrae of the spine that interferes in the manner in which your nervous system transmits information. When a subluxation is in the process of being corrected (and it is a process), you soon notice that your symptoms begin to subside and disappear. This does not mean that you are healthy, or the problem is corrected, it just means that your body is now more able to handle it on its own.  This is a very important distinction.

So don’t get stuck on the idea that everything is now hunky dory. It is not!


You are in transition. You just feel better. That’s all! The problem is still very much there.  But the other really cool thing is that the malfunction your body has been experiencing starts to subside. In other words, things start to function the way they were actually designed.

You are beginning to follow your program again. The pathology begins to heal, and you start on the road to recovery.  The disease process actually starts to reverse itself slowly.  This is very important and incredibly cool!

Let me illustrate this point using a really clear analogy: You are standing on a hill in the winter and I hand you a snowball. You fumble it, drop it, and now we are chasing it down the hill. Near the bottom, guess what happens to the size of this snowball?

You are right, it is huge – we have an avalanche!


At this point, we only have two things that must be accomplished: One, we need to stop the snowball from rolling down the hill further, and two, dig our heels in, shoulder this snowball, and start to roll it back to the top of the hill. In other words, see if we can reverse the damage, the pathophysiology, and the pathology. You are probably thinking: “Is that possible?” The answer is an amazing “YES”

It is very possible to reverse the damage your body has been experiencing. Is it possible to totally reverse it? That depends on many factors - the degree of damage, your age, your nutritional habits, your body’s ability to heal, your compliance with my recommendations, ability to follow my suggestions, your perseverance and stubbornness, your determination, and the length of time your Subluxations has existed – the habit that has been formed!

The rest of it, we have all been plagued with ad nauseum, such as exercise, vitamins, supplements, strange and weird diets, etc., can be viewed as window dressing. Without the above two most important elements that I mentioned, the rest of the plethora of self-help and medications that are available to the public will not be effective. Period.

It is because of these profound principles that Chiropractic has set itself apart from allopathic Medicine. Many patients ask me “Why don’t chiropractors and physicians get along and work together?” I do not honestly know how to answer that question because the two professions are so vastly different; like oil and water, and I can never see them mixing together smoothly - the principles of health and life are so vastly different between both of them.



I would like to expand on those strange words I used earlier - the Vertebral Subluxation.  In simple terms, it is a misalignment of the spinal vertebrae.  These Vertebral Subluxations are most often painless but do cause interference in the manner in which your nervous system transmits information all over your body.  Deepak Chopra MD., once stated: “The mysterious breakdowns in the body’s intelligence…may be traceable to a single distortion, a wrong detour…”

A distortion in the function and alignment of your spine will cause your body to malfunction and this will eventually produce a state of disease.

Chiropractors have spent years studying how to locate and correct these Vertebral Subluxations of the spine, thereby allowing your nervous system to function normally. This eventually reconnects you to the Power that runs your body — all without drugs or surgery. That is absolutely amazing! Think about it for a moment. Your body is designed to heal all by itself. Incredible!

Ok……it all seems so easy. Allow me to delve into this a little further: Most patients do not realize that a Vertebral Subluxation is a habit. It is a habit your nervous system has learned over the years in order to deal with this entity on its own. It is a neurological pattern and a bad one. And you’ve learned it incredibly well in most cases!

Consider this for a moment: If you’ve had a Vertebral Subluxation in your spine for 30 years or so, and it has affected your bowel function, your breathing, and the strength in your arms, do you think that a few adjustments will take care of it? If you think “yes”, then you need a reality check. Some Vertebral Subluxations can take years to be corrected. Yes, I did say years. Sometimes, only partial correction is possible. It is for this very reason that we place patients on a schedule of Corrective and Wellness care.

Think of it this way: If I was to ask you to throw a dart at a dartboard 30 feet away, would be better to have you practice throwing the dart once/week or as often as possible. The answer is obvious.


The correction of your Vertebral Subluxation is the same: Your care can be very frequent at the beginning so that we blitz this habit of yours. And slowly your body begins to learn what it is like to function normally once again. It is like a breath of fresh air! It does take time, patience, and perseverance!

So…….hang in there - as your doctor,           

I am on your side……...totally!


I also wanted to touch on an issue which is a bit awkward to mention for me and I know that other chiropractors would agree with me. And that is the issue of having your family and especially your children, checked for those pesky Vertebral Subluxations.  It is awkward for me because I fear that it may appear as some sort of a sales pitch, and I wanted you to know that it is not.
In the last number of issues of this newsletter, I explained the importance of a proper functioning nervous system - and that fact that it controls all of you, every single bit. Any interference to the normal function of your nervous system will absolutely ensure that your body will not function as it should – it will malfunction.

If that malfunction is allowed to remain, your body will undergo a disease process – it will start to get sick. It will develop some sort of pathology – not a good thing!

I also wanted to make you aware that the vast majority of Vertebral Subluxations take place in childhood – most even during the process of birth. And they can persist for a lifetime. And slowly they will affect the health and vitality of your children.

That is why we feel it is so important to make sure your children and everyone in your family are checked - I want to make sure that none of this is taking place. Ever.

So please……make sure your kids are checked. Call me today to schedule a check-up for them. We’ll make it fun for them and convenient and easy for you.