Diseases and Symptoms

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Last month, I covered the notion of Malfunction: The fact that your body will not do what it is designed and programmed to do if something interferes with the function of your nervous system – the computer control system that runs you!


And if some part of the body is not functioning normally (i.e. malfunctioning) and is allowed to remain in that state, what do you think would happen given time? The part of your body that is not functioning normally will start to breakdown and become sick. We call this next step disease.

Let’s look at this further: When we take the word ―disease‖ and analyze it closely, it is really made up of two separate words—dis and ease. Dis is a Latin derivative meaning “not” and “ease” means “not comfortable”. Dis-ease then means that your body is not comfortable, not at ease. Medicine took out the hyphen and created a new word called “disease” something to be feared!

Once we have identified some disease, we can then give it labels, which we can pick out of thousands of different names, such as Asthma, Colitis, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Meningitis, etc.

This is done because for every name you can give it, there is, you guessed it, a drug to deal with that particular disease.

Symptoms:  Consider this scenario for a moment. When you reach a point where your body has had enough, and it can no longer handle this disease stage, it will actually talk to you in a language you can readily understand. The language your body uses is called “symptoms.”


Very often, your body will scream and we call that symptom “pain.”  And, as you know, there are all types of different symptoms.  There is pain, there is heartburn, difficulty breathing, itching of the skin, watering of the eyes, sputtering, coughing, chest pain, arm pain, numbness, constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating, bladder incontinence, neck pain, back pain, headaches, etc. 

There are literally thousands of symptoms.  And by now, you’ve guessed, there is a drug to deal with every one of those symptoms.

Isn’t that wonderful?  Isn’t a terrific service the drug industry is providing for us?  But the really amazing things is that we have been taught to accept this as health care.  Nothing could be further from the truth. 

Let’s look at this a little further: Let’s imagine a child who is sitting in front of me at our clinic and pretend he has some of the conditions I just mentioned.  What if I took some miracle drugs, danced, did some magic, sprinkled stardust in this child’s eyes, did voodoo, and magically I was able to get rid of all his symptoms.  This child would now feel terrific.  Look Ma, no symptoms!  BUT….Would this patient now be healthy?  Think about this.  Would she/he be healthy?  Absolutely not!

What did I just do?  Did I correct the problem that caused his body not to function normally, or did I merely get rid of his symptoms?  Good question!  I simply eliminated his symptoms.  That’s all I have done.  His problem is still present.  But this child now feels terrific-even though his body is not functionally normally.

Now, you need to think of this from a different perspective.  The symptoms that an individual experiences can be likened to an alarm system.  Your body possesses its very own alarm system to let you know if it can handle what is going on inside of you.  It is similar to having a fire break out in your living room.  The alarm system would go off in the house.  In that instance, you have a choice – either put out the fire or turn off the alarm system.  Guess what most people do?  Do you think they search for the cause of the problem and put out the fire, or do they look for the quick fix and turn off the alarm system-the symptoms?  You’re right!

I would estimate that the majority of people are thrilled to just turn off the alarm system, living in happy oblivion until their body finally says at some point “No you don’t, I have had enough, this is it, I quit.”  This of this: if your body were to wear out, where would you live?

You see, this is not a good option!

The whole medical/pharmaceutical cartel is making billions of dollars on this type of thinking.  As a matter of fact, they propagate and promote this type of reality because it is very profitable.  The more symptoms we deal with, the wealthier the drug industry becomes- we are not looking after the problem, which means things will fail down the road and get worse.  When this occurs, we will be dependent on drugs to sustain what is left of our life.  That is our health care system in North America.  By now you are either agreeing with me or you are convinced that I am insane…there is no middle ground! 

(I will cover Recovery and how to stay healthy in spite of our health care system in the next issue-you’ll be amazed!)


Top 10 Detox Foods

Do you need some simple and natural ways to detox?  Here are 10 detox foods to help drive those toxins from your body.

1. Lemons: Lemons are the go-to-fruit for those looking to detox.  Full of vitamin C, this antioxidant is great for fight free-radicals which can have a negative impact on the body.  Additionally, lemons have an alkaline effect, helping restore the body’s pH balance, thus improving the immune system.  A slice of lemon in hot water is a simple way to start your detox.

2. Ginger: Ginger is great if you’ve been overdoing it on junk food or booze.  Aside from settling your stomach, ginger can aid digestion, and reduce bloating and gas.  It also contains a large number of antioxidants and provides a good boost to immunity.  Try ginger tea, or grate some ginger in fruit juice or vegetable juice, especially if you are struggling with a hangover. 

3. Garlic: Garlic, despite its strong sometimes off-putting odor, is great for a detox.  Having antiviral, antibacterial and antibiotic properties, garlic also contains allicin which aids blood cell production which can help protect the body against infections.  For maximum benefit, garlic is best consumed raw, so try adding crushed garlic to a dressing for a salad.

4. Artichoke: Another great food for you if you’ve been overindulging is artichokes.  They are full of antioxidants plus fiber and can help with the digestion of fatty foots as well as stimulating living function.  A good way of consuming artichokes and kickstarting the body’s detox is to add some steamed artichoke leaves to your meals with something like chicken, fish or seafood. 

5. Beetroot: Beetroot massively supports liver detoxification, making it a great detox food.  It also provides a great shot of nutrients in one hit as it is full of magnesium, iron, and vitamin C.  Also, great for skin, hair, cholesterol levels and even athletic performance levels, it is no surprise it is referred to as a superfood.  To enjoy the benefits of beetroot add some to a salad or drink some beetroot juice.

6. Green Tea: While not strictly a food, green tea contains active ingredients which help support detox and provide additional health benefits.  Green tea is packed with antioxidants and can help rid the body of toxins.  It has been found to boost the performance of the live and can protect the liver from diseases.  To get the max from green tea, brew it from loose leaves, as this will allow more antioxidants to be released. 

7. Cabbage: Cabbage is a great detox food.  Like many cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and cauliflower, kale, cabbage contains sulforaphane, a chemical which aids the body in the fight against toxins.  Cabbage also contains glutathione: an antioxidant that helps promote liver function.  An alternative way of including cabbage in your diet, if you are not particularly keen on having it on your plate is to consume it in liquid form, either as cabbage water or a fermented cabbage juice.

8. Fresh Fruit: Fresh fruits are fiber rich and can play a key role in a detox diet.  Packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants they can help improve digestion as well as your appearance (including skin and hair).  Include in your diet a wide variety of fruit, but especially some of the acid fruits such as grapefruit, pineapples, oranges, and even tomatoes as these are all especially detoxifying.  It is easy to include fruit in your diet; you can start your day with a fruit smoothie and then snack on fruit when hunger strikes throughout the day. 

9. Brown Rice: Reducing your intake of processed foods is a way to kick-start a detox and a healthier option like brown rice fits the bill perfectly.  As a whole grain, brown rice is a natural source of vitamins (including B vitamins, manganese, phosphorus, magnesium and iron) as well as essential fatty acids.  It is also high in fiber which plays a vital role in colon cleansing.  Brown rice is also selenium-rich, which helps protect the liver and can improve complexion.  Substitute brown rice for white rice and reap the health benefits. 

10. Watercress: Watercress, perhaps surprisingly, is considered to be one of the healthiest foods around and a great detox food.  Containing antioxidants and several detoxifying nutrients, including B vitamins, zinc, potassium, watercress also has diuretic properties, which helps to flush out toxins.  To demonstrate the potential health benefits of watercress, researchers looked at over 40 different fruit and vegetables for their levels of important nutrients for health, and it was watercress that came out on top.  A clinical trial also showed that watercress extract can help to eliminate cancer-causing chemicals from the body of a smoker.  To reap the potential benefits of watercress, use it as an add-on to a salad, soup or sandwich. 
